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Fort Morgan lions club presents its members with several different awards.

Fort Morgan Lions Club Anne Sullivan Awards

Helen Keller was born physically normal in 1880 in a small town in Alabama. Helen lost her sight and hearing at the age of 19 months to an illness now believed to have been scarlet fever. Five years later, on the advice of Alexander Graham Bell, her parents applied to the Perkins Institute for the Blind in Boston for a teacher. From that school, they hired Anne Sullivan who trained Helen to communicate with the world around her. Helen spoke at the Lions International Convention held at Cedar Point, Ohio on June 30, 1925. Although unable to see her audience or hear their applause, she appealed to the Lions...

You who have your sight and hearing.
You who are strong and brave and kind.
Will you not help me hasten the day
When there shall be no preventable blindness?
No deaf blind children untaught.
No blind man or woman unaided.
I appeal to you, Lions.
You who have your sight and hearing.
You who are strong and brave and kind.
Will you not constitute yourselves,
Knights of the blind in this crusade against darkness?

This eloquent plea from Helen Keller, noted around the world as a symbol of courage and humanity, pointed the Lions in a direction that would change the lives of millions. When she was invited to address the international Convention in Cedar Point, Helen Keller challenged each of the delegates (and their Clubs) to become Knights of the Blind, this extraordinary individual became the inspiration for millions of Lions, past and present.

Since that speech, Lions accepted her challenge and has contributed more time and energy to fight blindness than any other organization, foundation or government.

It was also in 1925, at the convention in Cedar Point that the Lions chose to make, not one, but two exceptions to their constitution and by-laws with regard to women members by honoring Helen Keller as the First Lady of Lionism and making her an honorary Lion. They then followed that up by making Anne Sullivan an honorary Lion as well, calling her the Second Lady of Lionism

Colorado Lions Foundation Requirements

The Anne Sullivan award was created to honor people who work behind the scene and do not expect any rewards. A donation of $100.00 to the Colorado Lions foundation in the name of the recipient is required to receive the award. This award can be given to those in the community who help the Lions club or just very special people. The individual will receive a plaque and pin with a presentation letter.

The Fort Morgan Lions Club honors deserving members who have stood out above the rest with the Anne Sullivan Award.

Recipients Of the Anne Sullivan Award

  • Ron Sands
  • Patti Rousselle
  • Kathy Thompson
  • Theresa Leake
  • Alec Creighton
  • Jeff Osuch

Fort Morgan Lions Club Melvin Jones Fellow Award

Melvin Jones was the founder of Lions Clubs International. The award is the highest award a Lions Club can award to a fellow lion selected for their dedication, participation, and devotion to Lions and community. It is awarded by their peers in the club. The selection is generally started by the board without the nominee's knowledge. Then a special meeting is held to honor the individual and present a special plaque to the honoree.

Recipients of the Melvin Jones Fellow Award

  • DR. Robert B. Richards 1993
  • Francis S. Jolliffe 1994
  • John Bloedorn, JR. 1995
  • Howard Mann 1996
  • Fred Williams 1998
  • Louis G. Goetz 1999
  • Jarrold Schaefer 2004
  • Pete Lee 2005
  • Mike Schmeeckle 2006
  • Keith Kuretich-2011